Men creating female alts. Why and for what purpose?
Perhaps we should ask them?
Now i don't know for a fact that these two are guys, but i'd say the likelihood is pretty high -- the percentage of males posing as females is, allegedly, something in the region of 40%.
So i look at these two, and i run through my mental check-list:
Mega-slutty outfit? Check.
Boobage the size of watermelons? Check.
Shoulders too wide? Could be. Hard to see from the picture, I know.
Waist ridiculously narrow? Actually, no. Unusual to get that one right, so perhaps these are females, after all. Your average female avie with male typist has a ridiculously narrow waist -- a wasp waist -- albeit a "wasp" with a severe eating disorder. Thank heavens one doesn't, in SL, actually require use of one's vital organs 'cos it just ain't happening. Ask the Victorians.
Long blonde hair? Gotta be. Though for some unknown reason jet black locks are also quite the thing. If it's cheap-looking and resembles freebie hair, so much the better.
Inferior skin? Okay, so these two aren't bad, in spite of the nasty makeup. I've seen many a so-called model or exotic dancer whose skin had all the definition of a suet pudding. This has always puzzled me. My fashionista friends and I all take great pride in our avies. Why wouldn't an escort or dancer or *shudder* 'playmate' do the same? If anything, they should look substantially better than *I* do. Most look as though they've been dragged bodily from some anonymous info-hub where noobs gather.
/Me wonders if these two lovelies work in a club? More power to them if they do; someone's got to help pay for teh sexeh attire. The way they look, they certainly could pass as exotic dancers -- which links in nicely with the title of my post. (LOL! You think writing this stuff is easy? You should try it sometime).
DO let's bring on the erotic emotes. Only please don't do it in my hearing, as i just may have to kill you. Nothing's guaranteed to kill the mood more effectively than some scantily dressed ninny on a dance pole regurgitating sex-speak in ungrammatical english. Not that i'm suggesting for one moment that these two lovely ladies are anything other then skilled professionals in whichever line of employment they pursue. Sadly, not everyone is. I note that one can now purchase an "emoter" on SL Marketplace (formerly X-Street) for the grossly inflated price of L650. Yes, it really IS just a bunch of notecards with phrases on -- phrases which, according to the somewhat mixed reviews, are every bit as poorly worded and lacking in originality as anything you might possibly come up with yourself. Ladies, if you can't write your own emotes i'd respectfully suggest that you may be in the wrong profession. For the love of Venus, please know how to use words and imagery effectively before you even think of getting your kit off in a club and touting for lindens.
I return to my two ladies above. Or should that be "ladies"? I make no judgement regarding males posing as females. It's a virtual world; as far as i'm concerned, you can be what the hell you like. But it bears repeating: they're out there and you can spot them. At least,
some of the time you can spot them. *Nods*
Double date, anyone?
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