I was confident when i entered the virtual world that my RL had taught me the people and situations to avoid. That said, i'd probably have blushed and thanked you had you told me that i had a nice ass by way of your opening line. That's how cabbage-coloured i was. Looking back, it's apparent that i did what i've always done in RL which is to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until they reveal their true colours -- at which point it's too late and i'm left with a hole in my heart.
[Just to clarify, i had never sought a partner; i had never tried to rein anyone in or turn them into my "BF". It took me many months before i finally got it: I'm simply not suited to having multiple "friends with benefits". Too many benefits, not enough friendship. It's surely a term invented by men, for men, to describe a plentiful supply of sex without strings. Kudos to the females who enjoy the arrangement or seek nothing more, or who are actively looking for same. I actually thought that was me for a time].
I don't have any beef with the immersionists or those who are living a second life truly of the imagination. If you're a male in Real Life and you want to present as female in SL -- or anything else you fancy, be it animal, vegetable or mineral -- it's entirely your right. Your world; your imagination. It's only a problem if the person you're "playing" opposite isn't on the same page.
I fully accept there are those who aren't immersionist or imaginative in any way beyond satisfying their own personal wank fantasies. If that's the way you choose to play, you have my blessing. Go forth and ,errr, have "fun" or whatever it is you call it in your profile.
What i don't accept are those who try to involve one in the same scenario under false pretences. Fine, if fapping on your thing is what motivates your SL, but don't pretend it's not what you're here for. And don't assume the person you just met knows the score. Unless they're an obvious alt with "here for fun" all over their profile, better assume they don't. This applies double if they're a couple months old with a bit of newb still in them (and i don't mean freenis, lol).
But seriously, guys, what's wrong with paying an escort? Escorts are a viable commodity, and people can and do pay for the privilege of using one. Both parties are aware from the outset that it's a business contract. There are set roles. There are rules and boundaries. If you can afford your internet connection and a PC on which to run SL you can shell out a few thousand L to hire an escort.
You might ask, but why shell out for something you can get for nothing? That's a good point, IF you're 100% certain you're getting it for free. If, on the other hand, you're generating drama (which is what you do when you're dishonest about your intentions and, btw, please don't even think about laying the blame elsewhere) then it's not "free" at all. It costs the other person; it costs you. It's actually kind of expensive and not worth it. Capiche?
Final word:
Any time i've dumped an assload of drama on someone's head (I'm reminded of that manure truck in Back to the Future Part One, lol) they pretty much deserved it. At best, they handled a certain situation really badly. Why would i just walk away and 'take it'? I'm not here to turn the other cheek. I daresay there are those who do, but i will not. I say, be proud you're not an automaton and unleash your inner drama ho.
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